Marketing and Branding Toolkit

About Our Department

The offices of graphics, public relations and website have merged to become the Marketing and Communications Department. This name change represents the integrated approach we have to marketing and messaging all aspects of the College across many different channels — advertising, marketing, media/public relations and online.

Branding Standards and Style Guide

To maintain BCC's brand identity, it is important to consistently use BCC colors and graphics properly, as well as to maintain consistent technical style across written materials. Please refer to BCC's Branding Standards and Style Guide (PDF) when writing BCC-related text and when using BCC logos or colors.

If submitting self-recorded video content to the Marketing Department, please refer to our Video Submissions Guide (PDF).

Photo Submissions

Have you taken photos on campus or at BCC events that you would like to share with Marketing? Upload them to our OneDrive folder and we will archive them and/or share them in our Flickr album!

Logos, Fonts and Forms