Welcome to BCC Tutorial Services
About BCC Tutorial Services
Tutorial Services can give you a deeper understanding of your coursework and set you
up for academic success, no matter the degree or certificate program. Berkshire Community
College's (BCC) Tutorial Services provides tutoring for most courses. Tutoring and
other services are free to any BCC student registered in a BCC course.
The BCC Tutorial Services has many options to assist you in success, including workshops,
skills sessions, small group tutoring, individual tutoring, and access to online remote
tutoring outside of regular center hours.
The Tutorial Services staff will work with you to find the best options for your needs.
We will work with you to determine how to help you best and match you with a tutor;
access Tutor.com, join a study group, and attend drop-in sessions, skills sessions,
or workshops.
Tutorial Services is here to help you:
- Clarify an assignment
- Organize your materials
- Understand course content
- Connect readings to lectures
- Prepare for tests and quizzes
- Evaluate and revise your writing
- Develop study strategies
- Help you manage your time
- Plan and organize a term project
- Access Tutor.com
What is available?
In-person and remote options with our local tutors. Online tutoring through Tutor.com.
Small group tutoring, drop-in options, and project help are also available.
BCC is pleased to partner with Tutor.com, where students can access tutoring for free through your Moodle page. Tutor.com allows students to access a tutor on their time or find available
tutors when the student needs them any time, day or night. Tutorial staff will help
you access Tutor.com if you need assistance.
Student Success Skills, Workshops and Individual Sessions
When you practice proven student success skills, your learning and knowledge are enhanced,
and you feel supported on your path toward success in a degree or certificate program.
Tutorial Services provides sessions, workshops, and general help with these strategies,
- Getting and staying organized
- Effective listening and note taking
- Textbook reading
- Your preferred learning style
- Memorization and test-taking
- Time management
Please see our calendar of workshops or email tutorial@berkshirecc.edu for more information about workshops or skill sessions.
How do I access services?
Peer Tutors are current BCC students whose professors recommend them to tutor in a
particular course or subject. They bring a valuable connection to the classroom and
faculty to their work.
Community Tutors are local people from a variety of backgrounds and expertise. Some
have prior classroom experience, and all can offer a practical application of many
fields of study.
Become a Tutor
Are you interested in sharing your expertise as a BCC Tutor? Please email us at tutorial@berkshirecc.edu for more information.