We can help students and alumni:
- Find jobs and internships;
- Find on-campus employment;
- Prepare resumes and cover letters; and
- Prepare for interviews and job fairs.
We can help employers:
- Post jobs and internships;
- Advertise open positions and job fairs; and
- View student resumes and reach out with application invitations.
The Career Development Process
The career development process is a combination of self-exploration — clarifying your interests and values — and investigation in the community via the internet and other resources and one-on-one meetings with those working in the field. At times, informational interviews with people in selected career fields may be the best way to learn about particular workplaces and jobs.
Sign up to attend a Career Services Workshop
Contact Us
Charlotte Lotz, Career Services Coordinator
Sarah Burdick, Academic SUCCESS/Career Coach
BCC employees and College organizations: Submit a request for a Career Services Presentation