Music Production (Certificate)

A student uses a computer and keyboard workstation to work on a musical composition

Music Production Program Overview

The Music Production certificate program emphasizes recording technology (SONAR Audacity and Pro Tools) and utilizes music notation software for creating, editing, printing and publishing musical scores (Finale). Graduates may also seek immediate employment in recording studios and other areas related to the music production industry; they may also run a home studio.

Graduates will achieve 29 credits intended for transfer to higher education institutions that offer degrees in related areas such as entertainment business, film, game music, recording arts and show production.

Transfer Schools

  • Westfield State University
  • UMASS Amherst
  • Berklee College of Music
  • Lyndon State University
  • Boston Conservatory
  • Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA)
  • Full Sail University

Expected Outcomes

Graduates of this program should be able to:

  • Create and/or follow a musical score;
  • Apply knowledge of musical editing software to a recording process;
  • Apply the knowledge of basic sound production and sound production equipment;
  • Understand and utilize music notation;
  • Understand and address practical solo and ensemble musical performance issues;
  • Communicate clearly, succinctly and accurately; and
  • Transfer to a specializing institution for advanced training and/or degrees in related areas.

Schedule Options

  • Full-time Schedule
    Semester 1
    Performance Seminar
    Applied Music I
    Fundamentals of Music
    American Popular Music
    Recording Technology — SONAR
    English Composition I
    Semester 2
    Applied Music II
    Music Theory I
    Class Piano I
    Musicianship I
    Music Notation Using Finale
    Recording Technology — Pro Tools
  • Part-time Schedule
    Semester 1
    Performance Seminar
    Applied Music I
    Fundamentals of Music
    Semester 2
    Applied Music II
    Music Theory I
    Recording Technology — Pro Tools
    Semester 3
    American Popular Music
    Recording Technology — SONAR
    English Composition I
    Semester 4
    Class Piano I
    Musicianship I
    Music Notation Using Finale