Nursing ADN Program

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About BCC's ADN Program

Nursing combines science and the art of working with people. Nurses are integrally involved in the lives of their clients, helping them to maximize their health and cope with illness. In Berkshire County, nurses are in high demand.


BCC's Associate Degree in Nursing Program is approved by the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing and is accredited by the: Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing(ACEN)

3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

Fall 2023 - The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate Degree nursing program is Continuing Accreditation


  • Admission Requirements

    Admission to the ADN program is based on several factors and is competitive. Completion of additional college degrees are considered and do influence the admission decision. Admission specific criteria are as follows:

    • Evidence of secondary school graduation or its equivalent. Submit official transcript(s) from high school or high school equivalency, previous colleges or post-secondary schools attended.
      • Note: International transcripts will only be accepted for consideration if they have been translated and evaluated by a NACES approved foreign credential evaluation service provider. BCC recommends SpanTran or World Education Services
    • Math: ACCUPLACER Next Generation QAS score of 262 or greater OR successful completion of MAT-029, MAT-029C, or MAT-136 (Math for Health Sciences) or higher (with a minimum grade of C). (MAT-123 Statistics recommended for transfer)
    • Completion of BIO 201 w/ lab (Anatomy and Physiology 1) with a C+ or better completed within seven years of application date.
      • Note: A grade of C is acceptable if taken prior to January 1, 2018 but still within seven years of application date
    • Earn 15 points at a minimum. Points are earned based on the grade attained in the support courses listed below (with the exception of the general education course). Students with higher grades and more courses completed will have higher point calculations.
      • Completion of a college degree will earn a student 1 additional point, regardless of how many degrees or level earned
      • Students who complete honors courses have the opportunity to earn 1 more point per letter grade
      • Students who complete all three science courses (BIO 201, 202 and 207) with a B or better will earn 2 additional points
      • A GPA is created from the non-science support courses and a GPA is created from the science support courses - both GPAs can earn a student more points if average is a B (3.000) or better
      • Students who opt to take and pass a CLEP exam(s) for particular point earning courses can only earn 2 points per course in which the CLEP is applied
      • Students who have AP exam credit from high school can only earn 2 points for point eligible courses in which the AP exam transfers in for that particular course
      • Students who earn "Credit for Prior Learning" (CPL) will NOT be able to earn points on the course(s) that is utilizing CPL.
      • View the Scoring Rubric
    • Support Courses: Completing a minimum of 10 credits of college-level ADN support courses from the following:
      • English Composition 1 (ENG 101) - 3 cr. - earn a C or better - point eligible course
      • English Composition 2 (ENG 102) - 3 cr. - earn a C or better - point eligible course
      • Introductory Psychology (PSY 107) - 3 cr. - earn a C or better - point eligible course
      • Human Growth and Development (PSY 204) - 3 cr. - earn a C or better - point eligible course
      • Introductory Sociology (SOC 105) - 3 cr. - earn a C or better - point eligible course
      • Communications course (COM) - 3 cr. - earn a C or better - point eligible course
      • General Education course (History or Humanities) - 3 cr. - earn a C or better - no point course
      • Anatomy and Physiology 1 w/ lab (BIO 201/201L) - 4 cr. - earn a C+ or better* taken within 7 years of application date - point eligible course
      • Anatomy and Physiology 2 w/ lab (BIO 202/202L) - 4 cr. - earn a C+ or better* taken within 7 years of application date - point eligible course
      • Microbiology w/ lab (BIO 207/207L) - 4 cr. - earn a C+ or better* taken within 7 years of application date - point eligible course
        *NOTE: A science refresher class will be offered for students who have expired A&P or Microbiology classes. The refresher will conclude with a comprehensive exam for that class. The refresher class can only be taken one time. A student who takes the refresher and passes the exam with a C+ or better, will not have to repeat the expired course. This refresher class will be good for three years.
    • Watch a mandatory ADN matriculation video (see step 6 below)

    Admissions into the nursing program are based on space availability and follow a competitive process.

    Please refer to the Admission Policy for more details.

  • Step-by-Step Procedure to Apply for ADN Matriculation
    1. Apply to BCC as a pre-Nursing (Associate Degree in Nursing) student, if not already an active BCC student.
      • Note: All students, regardless of eligibility to our nursing programs, must first be accepted to the College itself before applying for matriculation into a nursing program.
    2. Apply for financial aid, if not already completed
    3. Send all official high school/GED/HiSET, AP scores (if applicable), post-secondary and college transcripts (if applicable) to BCC's Admissions Office.
      • Note: Any international transcripts will need to be evaluated and translated by a NACES approved organization such as SpanTran or WES.
    4. Review and complete admission requirements as indicated above
    5. Schedule a meeting with one of the nursing academic counselors to determine eligiblity to apply for matriculation
    6. Watch a mandatory ADN matriculation video
      • Note: Students must watch a mandatory ADN matriculation video prior to applying for matriculation, otherwise, the application will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed. These are not the same as Meet and Greet Sessions, which are available if you are interested in nursing but not ready to apply.
    7. Complete and sign the ADN matriculation application for the selected entry semester (fall or spring) and submit (along with all required documents, including a signed attestation form) to Nursing Admissions by the established deadline for the ADN program
      View matriculation applications and deadlines

Application Deadlines

  • Fall 2025: February 1, 2025 - applications can be submitted between Dec 1, 2024 - February 1, 2025
  • Spring 2026: September 1, 2025 - applications can be submitted between July 1, 2025 - Sept. 1, 2025


ADN Matriculation Forms
Immunization Forms

Learn More


"I loved living in the Berkshires and wanted to make a good decision on choosing a next career in terms of availability of jobs, cost of living and being satisfied in my next role. That's why I chose the nursing program at BCC.

Once she was accepted into the program, Cristina recalls that study groups with peers were essential: "It was a small group of people and you really were able to gain those peer relationships fast. When I did require extra help, I would go to a teacher and they were always available. The resources are there, you just have to utilize them to be successful. Everybody wants you to be successful, you just have to ask for help."

— Cristina Lenfest '12, Associate Degree Nursing, School Nurse at Richmond Consolidated School

Nursing ADN Program