Student Success Committee

Mission Statement

As a liaison to the Board of Trustees, the Student Success Committee reviews goals, outcomes, and proposals developed by Academic Affairs and Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. This includes new academic programs. The College may also bring information about significant modifications to existing curricular and co-curricular programs, goals and outcomes related to academic mission, new and modified non-credit programs, enrollment and recruitment goals, new or modified wraparound student support services, faculty development and other student success goals and outcomes where Board input or awareness is beneficial.

When and Where

Monday, Feb. 26, 2024, 4 p.m.
via Zoom

For access information, contact

2024 – 2025

  • Melissa Myers, Chair, 2020 - 2024 | 2024 - 2029
  • Jason Cuyler, 2022 - 2025
  • Tink Medina Olivo (Student Trustee), 2024 - 2025
  • Michele Rivers Murphy, 2024 - 2025
  • Jennifer Vrabel, 2022 - 2024 | 2024 - 2025
  • Julia Bowen, Ex-officio, 2017 - 2021 | 2021 - 2026
  • Ellen Kennedy, Ex-officio (The President of the College is an ex-officio member of each standing committee)


Meeting April 17, 2024 at 3:30pm via Zoom

  1. Welcome and Call to Order
  2. Review and Approval of Feb 26, 2024 Minutes
  3. Discussion of McCann Allied Health Programs
  4. Discussion of Academic Affairs Professional Development