BCC 2022 - 2027 Strategic Plan: Equity-Centered, Equity-Actioned

Phase 1 – Define Phase 2 – Discovery Phase 3 – Dream Phase 4 – Design Phase 5 – Deliver

  • BCC Strategic Plan Summary

    Equity-Centered, Equity-Actioned


    Berkshire Community College will provide equitable, accessible and transformative learning opportunities focused on the current and evolving needs of our diverse community.


    Berkshire Community College is committed to providing an exceptional education and a wide range of opportunities that meet the diverse needs of our community through college transfer, workforce and career pathways, partnerships and lifelong learning.


    Student-Centered, Diversity and Inclusion, Purpose Driven, Responsiveness, and Sustainability

    Goal I: Equitable Student Success


    • Foster individual student growth and development.
    • Increase access to educational opportunities.
    • Improve student outcomes, particularly for BIPOC, historically marginalized, LGBTQ, PELL eligible, and students over 23 years of age.

    Goal II: Equitable Teaching and Learning


    • Improve opportunities for student-centered teaching and learning that ensure high-quality educational outcomes.
    • Promote a culture of assessment, reflection, and continued improvement.

    Goal III: Equitable Workforce and Community Engagement


    • Design academic, workforce training, and community education programs that align student, employer, and community need.
    • Amplify digital skills across the student experience to reflect the needs of a future-oriented workforce and digital economy.
    • Cultivate collaborative and comprehensive strategic educational and philanthropic partnerships, internally and externally.

    Goal IV: Equitable Institutional Innovation and Sustainibility


    • Ensure ongoing financial stability of the College.
    • Modernize College campus infrastructure and operations.
    • Align advancement initiatives to diversify funding opportunities.
    • Diversify the College workplace and promote a culture of belonging.
    • Grow and diversify enrollment.
    • Elevate Campus-wide Institutional Environmental Sustainability.
    • Moving to Stragetic Doing.
    • Comprehensive student support.
    • Digital skills and career readiness in curriculum.
    • Promotion of student learning outcomes that are equity focused across all disciplines.
    • Consistent and transparent assessment process of all outcomes.
    • Standardize and organize IT infrastructure with data governance.

Timeline Summary

  • September 2021: Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Touch Point I
  • October 2022 : Massachusetts Department of Higher Education Touch Point II
  • November 2022: Berkshire Community College Board of Trustees motioned to approve new Mission, Vision and Values Statements and BCC 2022 – 2027 Strategic Plan (PDF)
  • December 2022: Massachusetts Board of Higher Education Touch Point III